Stretch marks solution
Skin Care

Stretch Marks Solutions For New Moms

Stretch Marks Solutions After Pregnancy

It is unavoidable that pregnancy will cause stretch marks. They develop when your body grows quicker than your skin can keep up with and hence the skin is stretched past its elasticity. After your baby is born, these pinkish streaks usually remain. To get rid of stretch marks on their stomachs, hips and breasts some people use chemical-laden creams. It’s not the proper way of removing stretch marks. There are many natural stretch marks solutions that will be very effective and have no side effects.

Some of The Best Natural Stretch Marks Solutions That Can Be Effective

Check out these natural stretch marks solutions and treatments:

1. Coconut Oil

The fatty acids in coconut oil are easily absorbed by the skin. It is also anti-inflammatory and promotes collagen production, which speeds up stretch mark healing.

How To Use?

Apply coconut oil to stretch marks thoroughly. After using this natural ingredient, there is no need to wipe it off.

2. Turmeric

For new mummies, turmeric has many benefits. One of them is the ability to reduce swelling and inflammation. When applied to the skin, curcumin, the active ingredient in this yellow spice can also treat stretch marks. This turmeric powder from Absowell is 100% natural and used for stretch removal.

Stretch marks solution - Turmeric

How To Use?

Mix turmeric powder in water, lemon juice, or coconut oil to form a paste. Apply on stretch marks once or twice a day.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera’s stalky green leaves store water and nutrients. As a result of these components, aloe vera has healing properties and can minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

How To Use?

Rub the gooey insides of an aloe vera stalk on stretch marks if you have one at home. You don’t need to rinse off the residue.

4. Cocoa Butter

The super-hydrating cocoa butter derived from cocoa beans penetrates deep into the skin, allowing it to retain moisture. As a result, stretch marks will fade in appearance over time.


How To Use?

Put a generous amount of cocoa butter on your stretch marks and massage it in once or twice a day, especially after showering.

5. Lemon Juice

If you have ever used lemon juice on your countertops or fabrics, you are probably aware of how it stains. The acidic properties of this fruit can also be used to “bleach” pregnancy stretch marks.

How To Use?

Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice, then let it sit on your skin for about ten minutes. Regularly applying lemon juice to stretch marks will lighten them.

6. Olive Oil

Antioxidants and vitamin E are abundant in olive oil. Over time, you may be able to get rid of stretch marks by applying the moisturizing substance to your skin regularly.

How To Use?

Take some 100% pure olive oil (not an olive oil blend containing other ingredients). Apply it to your stretch marks and let it absorb the moisture. You can leave it on overnight or wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. You can also warm the olive oil before applying to improve blood circulation.

7. Argan Oil

Vitamin E, vitamin A, fatty acids, and other nutrients in argan oil make skin supple and less inflamed. It is therefore ideal for minimizing pregnancy stretch marks.

How To Use?

Apply a few drops of organic argan oil to freshly washed skin once a day.


These abovementioned are natural remedies for stretch removal for all new moms after pregnancy. Absowell has introduced new skincare capsules which will be also more effective in removing stretch marks and lighting the skin.

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